Tag: Nitin Gadkari

Travel time between Mumbai-Bangalore will be reduced, G...

Highway: There is news of great relief for the passengers between Bangalore and ...

Nitin Gadkari said - poor design of roads is responsibl...

The primary cause of traffic accidents, according to Union Minister of Road Tran...

Now this car safety feature will be available in buses ...

As part of improvements in passenger buses from the point of view of road safety...

Delhi's new Urban Extension Road will start on January ...

Nitin Gadkari has said that Urban Extension Road 2 will open in the next 2-3 mon...

India's road network increased by 59% in 9 years: Gadka...

India's road network increased by 59% in 9 years: Gadkari said - India's road ne...

Risk of all bridges will be continuously monitored, Roa...

Gadkari said the country's road network has grown by 59 percent in the last nine...

World's first bamboo crash barrier built in Maharashtra...

World's first bamboo crash barrier built in Maharashtra: named Bahu-Balli; Nitin...

CM Stalin's letter to Nitin Gadkari: Was unhappy with U...

CM Stalin's letter to Nitin Gadkari: Was unhappy with Union Minister's reply; He...

Gadkari said- India's roads will be like America by 2024

Gadkari said- India's roads will be like America by 2024: said- this budget will...

9 lakh government vehicles will be removed from the roa...

9 lakh government vehicles will be removed from the roads from April 1: New vehi...

Nitin Gadkari's ministry 358 project behind schedule

Nitin Gadkari's ministry's 358 projects behind schedule: 111 in railways and 87 ...

Nitin Gadkari praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

Gadkari praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh: Said - his economic reform...

Gadkari said - We are rich country of poor people

Gadkari said - We are the rich country of poor people: The gap between rich and ...