'A large number of historical monuments are not under any protection', parliamentary panel questions the Culture Ministry

The parliamentary panel has underlined that a large number of historical monuments are not under any form of protection. The panel also said it would like to know the year-wise expenditure incurred by the ministry on the restoration of unsafe monuments in the country by ASI during the last three years. It is noteworthy that ASI was established in 1861.

Sat, 23 Sep 2023 10:54 AM (IST)
'A large number of historical monuments are not under any protection', parliamentary panel questions the Culture Ministry

A parliamentary panel has underlined that a large number of historical monuments are not under any form of protection. The panel also asked about the process through which requests for restoration of unsafe monuments are made to ASI. The panel questioned how many such requests were pending before the central body.

The panel noted that under the restoration of unsafe monuments minor works, the Culture Ministry has allocated Rs 2.5 crore in the Budget Estimates 2023-24 instead of the estimated demand of Rs 5 crore to meet the estimated expenditure.

The ministry told the panel, "It is submitted that the Archaeological Survey of India undertakes the restoration of unsafe monuments, depending on the overall importance of the monument and the availability of manpower with the ASI. The works currently underway at the Badrinath temple In respect of this, the budget allocation of Rs 2.5 crore for restoration of unsafe monuments is considered adequate."

The report said the committee wanted to know about the progress of the ongoing work at the Badrinath temple and the expected time frame for its completion. The panel would like to get information about the total expenditure incurred from the fund so far. In its 294th report on 'Development and Conservation of Museums and Archaeological Sites - Challenges and Opportunities', the Committee said that in 2007, the National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities had set a target of listing 5,00,000 heritage buildings.

"The Committee notes that approximately 3,693 monuments are under the protection of the Central Government, while approximately 4,500 monuments are protected by the State/Union Territory Governments. It is clear that a large number of valuable historical monuments are currently under any protection," the panel said in the report. The species is not protected."

The Ministry informed the Panel that ASI evaluates the proposal following proper procedures and accordingly ASI undertakes conservation other than heritage buildings.

The panel further said it would like to know "the expenditure incurred by the Ministry on the restoration of unsafe monuments in the country by ASI during the last three years, year-wise." "The Committee also wishes to know the process through which requests for restoration of unsafe monuments are made to ASI, and how many such requests are currently pending with ASI," it added.

The Committee also wants to know "how the monuments are being classified for conservation at the Centre/State level". It is noteworthy that ASI was established in 1861 and currently it operates in many circles across the country.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer