Pakistan has 'unilaterally' stopped all trade, the central government truthfully stated in legislation

The minister stated that, among other places, the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Inland Container Depot, Tughlakabad Mundra SEZ, Air Cargo Complex Mumbai and Air Cargo Complex Hyderabad are used for this trade via air and sea routes with Pakistan. Regarding the potential for commerce with Central Asian nations, he stated that trade with Pakistan has not been discontinued.

Feb 7, 2024 - 14:53
Pakistan has 'unilaterally' stopped all trade, the central government truthfully stated in legislation
Pakistan has 'unilaterally' stopped all trade, the central government truthfully stated in legislation

The central government said on Wednesday that although some trade with Pakistan is conducted by land and sea, all trade through the land border has been "unilaterally" halted by the neighbouring nation. Anupriya Patel, the union's minister of state for commerce and industry, also stated in the Lok Sabha that Pakistan must permit Indian goods to pass through its territory on their way to the Central Asian nation.

Patel said that earlier whatever trade was done was done through the Attari-Wagah border and Karachi port. He said that now no trade is being done through land routes, but some trade is being done through sea and air routes. The minister said this trade through sea and air routes with Pakistan is being done through Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Inland Container Depot, Tughlakabad, Mundra SEZ, Air Cargo Complex Mumbai and Air Cargo Complex Hyderabad, among others.

In response to a query regarding potential trade with Central Asian nations, he stated that trade with Pakistan has not ceased. Pakistan must be involved in any transaction agreements we have regarding trade with Central Asia. Thus, Pakistan bears the responsibility of opening the trade route. Patel claimed that Pakistan, not India, had "unilaterally" imposed the trade embargo. According to him, Pakistan bears the responsibility since the transit must pass through their territory.

2019 saw Pakistan sever its diplomatic ties with India and revoke Article 370, which granted Jammu and Kashmir special status, following New Delhi's annulment of the agreement. India maintains that it desires normal neighbourly relations with Pakistan while insisting that the onus lies on Islamabad to create an environment free from terror and hostility for such engagement.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer