Gehlot said - I will not stay away from Rajasthan till my last breath
Gehlot said - I will not stay away from Rajasthan till my last breath: Said - no matter what the responsibility; do anything but I was not far away

In the midst of discussions on the post of Congress President, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has said that the schedule of elections will be announced on August 28, and it will be decided what will be the process of election. I am among you, I am not far away. I am not going to stay away from this state till the last breath of my life. No matter what the responsibility, whatever I do. The state in which I was born in my mind, the conditions which I have seen since childhood, will not stay away from it. Gehlot was interacting with the media at Anta in the Baran district on Thursday.
This statement of Gehlot is being linked to his continuous activeness in the politics of Rajasthan. Gehlot has given a clear signal to the opponents by saying that they are constantly connected with the state. For the past several days, there are discussions about the name of Ashok Gehlot as Congress President. Gehlot is denying his name but has now taken the line that he will do whatever the high command says.
On the rhetoric of the leaders who are angry with the government and the party, Gehlot said that something has to be said in a democracy. Every leader does his politics, he will speak, but I say do not cross the Lakshman Rekha. I was the PCC President at that time and also spoke and am still saying that if I harm myself, the party will repair it. If the party is damaged then it will not be repaired.
Gehlot had met Congress President Sonia Gandhi two days ago. Gehlot's statements are discussed after meeting Sonia in Delhi. On the question of many leaders advocating his name, Gehlot said I am thankful to the people. who has so much faith in me? Even now we will try continuously Rahul Gandhi accepts the post of President, and we will try to persuade Rahul Gandhi till the end. I will do whatever the high command says.
There has been some change in Gehlot's statements after the Delhi tour. Gehlot is not denying the candidature of Congress President now. According to the high command, the statement of not leaving Rajasthan till the last breath despite working, and living anywhere is believed to be of the same line. Earlier, Gehlot had clearly denied last week that he does not make it to the post of president and he will deny it, but now there has been a change in his statements for two days.