Miss Rajasthan 2021: 76 Girls Shortlisted for Interview Round
5300 girls did online registration, more than 2500 girls gave online audition

Jaipur. In the 22nd edition of Miss Rajasthan 2021, the biggest and oldest beauty pageant of Rajasthan organized by Fusion Group, 76 girls came to Jaipur and gave their interview round in the interview round, out of which the top 28 girls will be officially announced at the sash ceremony on 15th September.
The jury panel in the interview round included Miss Rajasthan 2019 Kanchan Khatana, Femina Miss India Rajasthan Aruna Beniwal, Organizer Nimisha Mishra, Miss Earth finalist Shubhi Dhaneta, Miss Rajasthan runner-up Aarushi Singh, Khushi Srivastava, Global India Mithali Kaur, Miss Rajasthan 2020 finalists Chiranshi Mathur Nandini, Shreya Jain, Priya Yadav, Prakriti Prakash, Neha Deol Mrs Rajasthan finalists Sapna and Mansi Bachani were present. Organizer Yogesh Mishra told that this time 5300 had registered, out of which 2500 girls gave online audition and out of that 76 girls were shortlisted for the interview round. Out of which top 28 girls will be presented as finalists.
Pandit Suresh Mishra and Pawan Goyal, Mukesh Mishra, Sonu Chupda, etc. dignitaries of Jaipur were present as the chief guests. Also, the program was conducted by Gaurav Asudhani and choreography by Shahrukh and fashion photography by Vasu Jain. It is worth mentioning that Miss Rajasthan is being organized for 22 years and from here Trend Girls has been lighting up the name of Rajasthan by going to the National International level.