Licensed revolver-cartridge stolen in Jaipur: driver-servant kept in new house, disappeared after shift
Licensed revolver-cartridge stolen in Jaipur: driver-servant kept in the new house, disappeared after shift

A case of licensee revolver-cartridge theft has come to light in Jaipur. After shifting to the new house, the elderly owner found the licensed weapons missing. Suspicion has been expressed on the driver-servant for stealing licensed weapons. The victim has registered a case of licensed weapon theft at Sindhicamp police station. ASI Baldev Singh is investigating the case.
Police said that Ramnarayan Meena (86), a resident of Jobner Bagh Sindhicamp, has lodged the report. He has had an arms license since 1985. Have taken a revolver and a gun on license. They have also taken 10-10 cartridges of both weapons. He has built a new house near the house. On 5 February, he shifted to the new house. Along with household items, licensed weapons were also shifted to the new house.
Domestic servant Prabhu Singh and driver Mahendra Chaudhary were asked to keep the licensed weapons safely in their room on the first floor of the new house. Servant Prabhu Singh came to the old house and told him that the weapons were kept on the table in the safe room. After some time go to the new house and handle the weapon. Along with the license, the revolver and 10 cartridges were found missing.
License stolen with revolver cartridge detected. Even after asking the servant-driver several times, he refused. The victim has lodged a report at the Sindhi Camp police station expressing suspicion of theft of licensed weapons by the servant-driver.