Corona crisis increased in China: world's largest electronics market temporarily closed

Corona crisis increased in China: world's largest electronics market temporarily closed, metro service also suspended

Aug 29, 2022 - 21:38
Corona crisis increased in China: world's largest electronics market temporarily closed

The risk of corona infection is increasing once again in China. Alam is that the world's largest electronics market has been closed due to Corona. 24 metro stations have also been closed.
According to a Reuters report, the world's largest electronics market in Huqiangbei, China's southern city of Shenzhen, has been temporarily closed. Orders have been given to close 3 big buildings here by 2 September. There are thousands of shops selling microchips and telephone parts in these buildings. People have been given work for fear of Corona.
Along with the market, services of 24 metro stations have also been suspended. Officials said – On Sunday, the corona report of 11 people came positive in Shenzhen, which has a population of 18 million. Therefore, precautionary measures have been taken.
Corona cases suddenly increased in Futian and Luohu districts. After this, the administration swung into action. Officials said that till September 2, cinemas, bars-restaurants and parks will remain closed here. Public gatherings of any kind have also been banned.
Recently, due to the explosion of Corona in China, air service and train service were stopped. 483 cases of the corona were reported in Sanya city, which is called a tourist destination and Hawaii of China. After this air and rail services were banned.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer