Putin's secret visit to Ukraine amid war: discussed with military commanders in Kherson

Putin's secret visit to Ukraine amid war: discussed with military commanders in Kherson, Ukraine said – went to see the crimes of its dear ones

Apr 18, 2023 - 17:05
Putin's secret visit to Ukraine amid war: discussed with military commanders in Kherson

In the midst of the war, the President of Russia made a secret visit to the Kherson area of Ukraine. The Russian government informed about this on Tuesday. Putin was very close to the front line on this visit. He reached the army headquarters in Kharsone by helicopter.
Staff members were also not present with him on this tour. Russian media has released its videos and footage. However, the government did not tell when Putin made this visit.
There was no prior preparation for Putin's visit to Kherson. During this, neither Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu nor Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov was with him. He discussed the war with the military commanders.
Putin told the army officers, 'It was necessary for me to hear your opinion to know the current situation in the war.' Putin was given information related to the war by the commanders of Russia's Air Force and National Guard. According to the New York Times, earlier the government had demoted both these commanders. Putin also met troops in Russian-held Luhansk.
Ukraine has retaliated to Putin's visit. Mikhailo Podoliak, the advisor to President Volodymyr Zelensky, said – the Kherson visit was a special tour of Putin, where he went to see the crimes and murders committed by his dear ones.
The Ukrainian city where Putin reached Kherson was completely occupied by Russia till September 2022. However, the November invasion of Ukraine drove Russia out of the region. Since then, he has been continuously trying to win back this area. For some time now, Russia has intensified airstrikes in Kherson.
Vladimir Putin visited Ukraine in March, a month before going to Kherson. Putin visited the Russian-occupied city of Mariupol. He reached there also by helicopter. He also met some common people there.
Putin met military officers in Mariupol. Putin also drove the car along the streets of Mariupol with Deputy PM Khushunilin. He described the roads there as wonderful.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer