Telegram rolled out a great update, creators will get great benefits
Telegram Update: An amazing feature has come on the popular social media platform Telegram. Content creators can now get a big benefit from this new feature. Know ahead what is its special details and how will you get its benefits.

In the last couple of years, the social media platform Telegram has grown in popularity fast. The developers update some new updates from time to time for their users. In that situation, the social media company has rolled out a new feature. With this feature, users can quickly minimize mini-apps through a compact bar. Content creators could monetize their channel based on this latest update. For this, creators can use paid photos and videos. Hashtag and place search ability has also been granted.
Now, on Telegram, users can buy products from mini apps every month and also avail of the service. In the new update, the facility will come out of mini apps. Till now, users had to wait a bit. In such a situation, the new Telegram update can be very beneficial for the users.
And if you scroll down in the app bar, it will minimize the bottom bar. Also, to open it again, you must click on any active app on the screen. Now, under the new facility of Telegram, the creators will benefit a lot. Users will have to pay money to see any paid photo or video. Only if the money is spent will you be able to see that post.
One of the fantastic features Telegram has given in its new update is the option to search with hashtags, which will make the work easier for users. There is an availability to search any chat through hashtags by users. On doing this, all stories related to that tag will appear. However, the private stories will not come into the search.
Well, now Telegram has provided an option for adding widgets to the story; through this, the link would be more visible. Also, both light and dark options will be given in its background. Along with this, the name of the link can also be changed.
Now, an option for rewards will be available on the app, which is only possible for content. So, creators can earn Telegram ads through their paid posts. They also have the opportunity to monetize their channel. Other than this, developers can also earn these rewards through exemplary service.