Home remedies recipe to make hair black from the roots
Home remedies to black hair: Premature graying of hair is becoming a matter of concern. In such a situation, if you do not want to use dye to blacken the hair, then you can blacken the hair with this Desi method.
Has your hair also started graying at an early age? Then here are some homemade remedies for you that will blacken your hair. For this, they start using many products from the market. But you don't need to use chemical hair products or dyes for this. After this, you will not need to buy any hair product or dye from the market.
With increasing age, graying of hair is considered common. But the problem comes when the hair starts turning white prematurely. This problem is now occurring in the youth. This happens when there is a lack of melon. Melon keeps the hair black. But when there is a shortage of it, the hair starts turning white.
In order to blacken your hair at home, you have to prepare the ingredients for home remedies for black hair and thereby make oil out of it. You need mustard oil, amla powder, coffee, bhringaraj, and henna powder. First, you have to pour the oil into a pan and cook at a low flame. Now, in this oil, add mustard oil, bhringraj, amla powder, coffee, and henna powder, and let everything cook for 5-8 minutes till it turns black. Once everything is cooked, filter the oil. After that, use this oil. In such a situation, your hair will start becoming black like before.
Benefits of applying Amla to the hair
The benefits one will find a plethora of if applying Amla to their hair is because the content inside the amla comprises antioxidants, which have their job as inducing the production of melanin to preserve the color of your hair. Amla powder shines hair, making hair black by nature. It acts as an efficient Vitamin C element, due to which your hair grows healthy and never falls out.
Benefits of applying mustard and nigella to the hair
If you mix nigella oil into the mustard oil and apply it, then the benefits of both start increasing. Antioxidants and nutrients are present in nigella, which strengthen the hair and keep them black. Antifungal properties present in it also help in cleaning the scalp.
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only intended to bring awareness about diseases and health problems. It is not a substitute for any qualified medical opinion. Therefore, readers are advised not to try any medicine, treatment or recipe on their own, but should definitely take advice from an expert or doctor related to that medical pathy.