Google Maps will no longer store user history, new update coming

Google Maps: User data will no longer be stored in Google Maps. Earlier, the user's location history was stored on the Google Maps server, but now the history data will be stored on the user's device i.e. phone. Google Maps has also changed the name of Location History to Timeline.

Jun 6, 2024 - 12:15
Google Maps will no longer store user history, new update coming

If you also use Google Maps and are worried about your map history, then there is good news for you. We are saying this because the privacy of Google Maps is going to be better now. Google is now making new plans regarding location data.

According to a new report, user data will no longer be stored in Google Maps. Earlier, the user's location history was stored on the Google Maps server, but now the history data will be stored on the user's device i.e. phone. Google Maps has also changed the name of Location History to Timeline. The date for releasing this feature of Google has been fixed as December 1, 2024.

This Google Maps function is intended to provide privacy. When data is saved on the server, it is at risk of being leaked; but, when it is stored on the device, this risk is lessened. Users may be unable to view their location history owing to a weak network, however once stored on the device, there is no requirement for the network to see the history.

Google has also added end-to-end encryption to Maps, providing a new level of security for users' data. Currently, this feature is only available for the app. There is presently no information on whether it will be offered for the web version.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer