Athelete Coach Naveen : a hardcore strength coach with coaching experience of 5 years with national level athletes

He is  born  to provide an avenue for athletes to train at a professional level to achieve and surpass their fitness goals

Dec 9, 2022 - 18:03
Athelete Coach Naveen : a hardcore strength coach with coaching experience of 5 years with national level athletes
Athelete Coach Naveen : a hardcore strength coach with coaching experience of 5 years with national level athletes

Coach Naveen, an expert in the field of weightlifting, is the ideal guide and mentor for anybody eager and willing to learn how to do weightlifting the right way. He is someone who will give you the right guidance when it comes to understanding the basics and the advanced levels of weightlifting. As a coach, he is known for inculcating discipline and consistency in his clients’ routines. Being a national level weightlifter with a Bachelors in Physical Education and Sports Physiology, Coach Rao Naveen is accomplished at both the academic as well as practical aspects of physical education.  

Every sportsperson has unique training needs and requires training different sets of muscle groups to improve their performance. Being athletes himself Naveen customises , detailed training programs to enable and empower sportspersons and athletes to excel at fitness and at life. No matter what your fitness levels are or no matter what your medical conditions are, Coach Naveen will make sure that he will improve upon all the aspects and markers of fitness with his coaching knowledge.  His strength is that he identifies and evaluates  the physiological needs relating to either a whole sports team, an individual playing in a specific position as part of that team or an individual athlete, once he highlights  gaps between actual and ideal physical outcomes then he makes himself responsible for designing and implementing periodised sports-specific programmes that will improve the athlete’s performance within that sport and reduce the occurrence of injury. Naveen  devises training plans according to sound scientific principles, supervises training sessions, evaluates athletes, maintains athlete records, and teaches strength and conditioning classes as needed. He has the  Ability to demonstrate the appropriate skills and techniques to be used by the athletes. 

Naveen has truly elevated the three major goals of improving athletic performance, reducing athletic injuries, and teaching lifelong fitness and movement skills. He not only traines physically but also promotes  positive mental and psychosocial development as well as physical development with a properly designed strength and conditioning program.  For more info follow 

Dinesh Kumar Journalist