First woman officer on the world's highest battleground

First woman officer on the world's highest battleground: Captain Shiva Chauhan posted at 15632 feet high Kumar post

Jan 3, 2023 - 18:52
First woman officer on the world's highest battleground

Captain Shiva Chauhan of the Indian Army's Fire and Fury Corps Sappers has become the first woman officer to be posted at the Siachen Battleground. Shiva Chauhan has been posted in Kumar's post. According to the Indian Army's Fire and Fury Corps, Shiva's posting has been done after rigorous training.
The Siachen Glacier is the world's highest battlefield, where India and Pakistan have fought intermittently since 1984. In September 2021, a team of eight differently-abled people also set a world record by reaching Kumar Post, built at an altitude of 15,632 feet on the Siachen Glacier.
There is always a deployment of 3000 soldiers at Kumar Post. Whereas here the mercury remains -21 degrees during the day and -31 degrees at night. Due to snowfall, it is difficult to provide ration water or any other help to the soldiers here.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer