Chile Train-Minibus Accident: Heavy collision between train and minibus in Chile, painful death of 6 people

Chile Train-Minibus Accident: A major road accident occurred in San Pedro de la Paz, Central Chile. 6 people died in a collision between a train and a minibus. EFE Sur, the state-owned company that operates the trains, said the train was coming from the right direction and was operating correctly.

Sep 2, 2023 - 11:22
Chile Train-Minibus Accident: Heavy collision between train and minibus in Chile, painful death of 6 people

A horrific road accident occurred on Friday in San Pedro de la Paz, central Chile. In this accident, at least six people were killed when a train collided with a minibus. Local officials gave this information.

Juan Francisco Carrasco of the military police told reporters that the accident occurred at a railroad crossing, Xinhua news agency reported. Six of the 14 people on board the minibus died in the accident on Friday.

EFE Sur, the state-owned company that operates the trains, said the train was coming from the right direction and was operating correctly. In the statement, EFE Sur said that the trains were still operating normally at the time of the crossing.

EFE Sur expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased and said that none of the passengers on board the train were seriously injured.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer