School children will not only overcome the pressure of studies but only 29 hours a week will be studied in schools

In this new NCF prepared under the new National Education Policy, except for the classes of major subjects, the time of classes at each stage has been kept up to a maximum of 35 minutes. According to each stage, 40 to 50 minutes time has been fixed for classes related to major subjects. Now schools will have only 29 hours of study in a week.

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 09:34 PM (IST)
School children will not only overcome the pressure of studies but only 29 hours a week will be studied in schools

With the implementation of new syllabi in schools, not only the examination but also the pattern of studies will change. Whose main focus is to give relief to the children from the unnecessary pressure of studies. This is the reason that in the new National Curriculum Framework (NCF) prepared for schools, the hours of study have also been set on the basis of global standards for all levels of school education.

Under this, schools will now have only 29 hours of study in a week. In this, there will be studies of five to five and a half hours from Monday to Friday and only a few hours on two Saturdays of the month. There will be a holiday on two Saturdays.

In this new schedule proposed for studies in schools, an attempt has been made to give relief to the children from the pressure of studies at every level. In this new NCF prepared under the new National Education Policy (NEP), except for the classes of major subjects, the time of classes at each stage has been kept only for a maximum of 35 minutes.

According to each stage, 40 to 50 minutes time has been fixed for classes related to major subjects. During this, activities like sports, competitions, and art will be organized every day in the schools to make the entire study interesting and stress-free. Which will be held during the study hours only.

On average, half of the teaching hours per day will be devoted to these activities. Along with this, a time of about an hour has been fixed for breakfast and lunch for the children during school hours.

This initiative to set the hours of study in schools under NCF has been taken when till now such a busy schedule of schools was being seen, in which children have to be immersed in studies full time after admission in schools. Is. But now after this new arrangement, he will be able to study without pressure. In this arrangement, a break of five minutes has also been kept after each class.

NCF has not only given relief to the school children from the burden of studies but has fixed ten days in a year for them, in which they will have to come to school without a school bag. During these times, instead of books, children will be taught orally and through experiments. During this, classes will be held in schools for only 180 days a year. Under NCF anyway, schools open only 220 days in a year due to national holidays including summer and winter holidays etc.

Out of these, 20 days go for examinations and 20 days for different activities conducted in schools. In such a situation, studies are only for 180 hours. Based on this, the complete schedule of studies has been fixed. It is noteworthy that in NCF, initiative has also been taken to give relief to the students from the pressure of examination. Under this, it has been proposed to conduct board examinations twice a year.

Although NCF has a schedule of studies at each level of school education (Foundation, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary), the schedule of the Foundation Stage is the most interesting. The children's classes will be based only on stories, the exchange of ideas, and games.

During this, they will also be given free time, in which they will be left free to do whatever they want. Under the proposed scheme of NCF, the new syllabus of school education from classes III to XII will also be ready by next year. Along with this, its implementation will also start from the next academic session.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer