Resignation of BBC chairman Richard Sharp in loan case

Resignation of BBC chairman Richard Sharp in loan case: Helped former UK PM Boris Johnson in loan, but hid this during the appointment

Apr 29, 2023 - 10:53
Resignation of BBC chairman Richard Sharp in loan case

The National Broadcaster of the United Kingdom, British Broadcasting Corporation ie BBC Chairman Richard Sharp has resigned. He has resigned due to the case related to the loan received by the then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2020. UK's Sunday Times published a report about this, after which the pressure of resignation on Sharp started increasing.
The report alleged that Johnson recommended Sharpe for the position of chairman. Prior to the recommendation, Sharp had helped Boris Johnson arrange a guarantee for a loan of 800,000 pounds, or about Rs 8.15 crore.
Sharp resigned after the official report on Friday. The official report states that he violated the rules of public appointments. The investigation found that Sharp did not mention his role in the Johnson loan during the job interview.
He will remain the interim chairman till June. After Sharp's resignation, the BBC board said- 'We accept Richard's decision.' Sharp has also been a banker and former chairman of the Royal Academy of Arts. He was appointed as BBC chairman in January 2021.
According to the BBC's Royal Charter, the BBC chairman is appointed by the British monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Sharpe was appointed on the recommendation of the then DCMS Secretary Oliver Dowden and the then PM Johnson. The BBC has no role in the appointment of the BBC chairman.
In a memo addressed to BBC staff following the Sunday Times report, Sharp said: 'I was not involved in arranging the loan or guarantee, and I did not arrange any financing. I only introduced the PM's cousin Sam Blyth to the cabinet secretary. I firmly believe that I was appointed on the basis of merit.
The British Broadcasting Corporation is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. It is one of the oldest and largest media houses in the world. It has about 35 thousand employees all over the world. It broadcasts news in 40 languages.
BBC started as a private company on 18 October 1922. In 1926, it was made a government institution by the United Kingdom. Since then, the BBC operates under a Royal Charter. Although it is completely independent in its coverage.
The purpose of the BBC is also written in the Royal Charter. According to this, 'the BBC must provide accurate and fair news, current affairs and factual programming duly understood by people in all parts of the United Kingdom and around the world.'
The Hindustani service of the BBC made its first broadcast on 11 May 1940. On this day Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of Britain. The purpose of the BBC Hindustani Service was to bring news to soldiers on the Indian subcontinent during World War II.
Be it the war in Bangladesh or the assassination of Indira Gandhi or any other big international event. On many occasions, the BBC was the first to report, which instilled public confidence. BBC started in 2001 and then other Indian languages were added.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer