Bekaboo 2 actress Priya Banerjee talks about her journey as she features on the cover of the Fashion Herald magazine
Priya has been recently seen winning hearts with her fitness routine and unmatchable photoshoots on social media.

The fashion industry is all about droning around vigour and flair icon Priya banerjee after her latest appearance in the global fashion magazine Fashion Herald. In her latest exclusive with Fashion Herald, Priya revealed a lot about her personal fondness including her ideal date.
On a consequential front, Priya spoke about climate change as a part of the climate initiative by Fashion Herald magazine.
Priya has been recently seen winning hearts with her fitness routine and unmatchable photoshoots on social media.
Speaking about the publication, Fashion Herald is a premium fashion and lifestyle magazine of India. It has featured famous personalities like Donal Bisht, Sunny Hinduja, Akanksha Puri, Aditi Budhathoki Vishal Kotian etc on its covers recently.
The magazine has features international events like Miami fashion week and Miami swim week and has been an official fashion magazine partner with various Indian institutes like IITs and IIMs to promote Indian culture and fashion across the globe. The magazine recently launched its ‘Save Earth’ initiative and has seen support from various B-town celebs across the country.
Priya has also been known to support various social awareness initiatives that have been highly appreciated by her fans. Few months back she supported a campaign known as 'Save the Girl Child and Save the universe'. Her latest interview features her enthusiasm towards climate change as well.