Husband and wife live in love or quarrel... If you stay together, you will be saved from many diseases including diabetes
A report published in the British Medical Journal: Husband and wife live in love or quarrel... If you stay together, you will be saved from many diseases including diabetes.

As age increases, diseases like sugar-BP begin to surround, but new research has shown that the level of diabetes remains low in the couple living together. They do not get bothered by the excess of sugar again and again. The report published in the British Medical Journal says – It does not matter whether the relationship between husband and wife is good or bad, living with them increases the chances of lowering blood sugar levels.
While there is a high risk of increasing blood sugar levels when they are separated due to divorce or other reasons. Sometimes diabetes type-2 develops in those who live alone. The researcher of this research, Catherine Ford of Carleton University, Ottawa, says – Research on 3,335 people aged 50 to 89 years in England revealed a positive difference in diabetes by living together, but the clear reason for this was not known.
Studies show that living together not only reduces diabetes but also keeps blood pressure under control. People living alone have high levels of both diabetes and BP. Couples who live together are also less likely to have a heart attack. Research also showed that the average age of married men is about 10 years longer than men who live alone.
Chris M. Wilson, a researcher at the University of East Anglia, says in his research 'How Does Marriage Affect Physical and Psychological Health' - Marriage benefits men more than women at the psychological level. This improves the mental health of men.
Dr. Sheehan D. Fischer of America's Asher Center for the Study and Treatment of Depressive Disorders says- The anxiety in the couple living together is not so much that they go into depression, but even if they go into depression, then alone They recover faster than the occupants. They say- the couple recovers quickly even from the pain that occurs after a major surgery.
Much other research also showed that if the relationship between husband and wife is better, then the immune system is also better. Their immunity increases and they get sick less often than people who live alone.
Geoffrey Legat of Australia's Law Trobe University says- living together not only changes physically or mentally, but also changes human behaviour. There are also social changes. Even in colloquial language, those words are included, which are used more by the partner. It is not only new words that become part of spoken language. The way of pronouncing those words also starts changing.