Counterattack of the Russian Foreign Minister to justify the Ukraine war
Counterattack of the Russian Foreign Minister to justify the Ukraine war: Said- not only us but question America also on Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria

On the second day of the ongoing Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi, the Foreign Minister of Russia has given a befitting reply to the criticisms being made on the Ukraine war. On Friday, Putin's foreign minister was asked if war was the only solution to the dispute with Ukraine. In response to this, Sergei Lavrov said – Why doesn't anyone ask America questions about infiltration in other countries?
Lavrov said have you asked America and NATO whether what they are doing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria is right? On this answer of Lavrov, the people present there applauded fiercely.
Lavrov said- Now French President Macron and German Chancellor Olf Scholz say that for the first time, international rules are being violated in Ukraine. Did he forget 1999 when America bombed Serbia, America's President Joe Biden was a senator at that time. He never tired of boasting that on my insistence, Serbia was attacked to establish peace.
Lavrov cited the Iraq war as an example to justify the Ukraine war. He said- America's Chief of Staff Colin Powell falsely accused Iraq of possessing nuclear weapons on the basis of a small glass tube. America ruined the whole country. Making a big mistake, British PM Tony Blair says that we had made a mistake, and what can we do now?
Sergey Lavrov said to the host - Do you think that only America has the right to protect itself? Citing their security, they attack countries miles away from them without thinking within minutes. You don't ask them any questions. While we have been explaining to Ukraine for years that you are doing wrong. The danger is being created right on our border. If this is not a double standard then what is?