Avoid making these 4 blunders while applying foundation since they will ruin the entire look
Makeup Tips: Foundation is a part of basic makeup which plays a very big role in giving a flawless look to the skin. It is the foundation of any makeup without which one cannot move forward. However, many people do not know the right way to apply it, due to which the whole look gets spoiled. If you are also one of them, then let's know.

But to make the makeup last longer, some very basic things related to it are extremely necessary to understand. Today, we will share with you some special tips regarding applying foundation so that you come out not only being able to conceal these fine lines and pimples but also the makeup looks really natural. This article is going to be very useful for you if you are among those people who often spoil the whole look due to some mistakes made while applying the foundation.
Before applying foundation, it is of prime importance to prepare a base for makeup. Often, due to hurry, women forget to apply primer before applying foundation. Because of this the makeup also fails to hide the pores. In such a situation, neither does the makeup last long nor does the skin appear blemish-free.
Want to tell you that if you use concealer before applying foundation, then this is not the way. In order to get a natural finish, first of all, use foundation and then conceal the remaining dark spots. By doing this the concealer will not blend with the foundation.
Many people try to blend it by rubbing after applying a foundation. If you too are using this, then know that this way is not right. Because of this, the foundation does not get blended on every part of the face. In this case, you should always apply it with a pat.
The thing is to keep in mind that you have to use foundation according to your need, neither more than what is required nor less. More or less foundation than required does not look good, and it also does not appear natural. Aside from that, avoid blending it immediately after application; instead, leave it for some time and then blend it.