The Child Cried In Such A Complaint Of The Mother, Dramebaaz Made All Arrangements To Scold

Every pain they get makes the mother's heart feel the same pain as the child's body would feel. But sometimes the picture is completely different from this. Many times the tears of children have to come out not in pain but also in mischief.

Jul 30, 2022 - 00:17
The Child Cried In Such A Complaint Of The Mother, Dramebaaz Made All Arrangements To Scold
The Child Cried In Such A Complaint Of The Mother, Dramebaaz Made All Arrangements To Scold

If you had 99 children, you would be very cute. His laugh, his smile where your heart wins. At the same time, their tears pierce the heart. Every pain they get makes the mother's heart feel the same pain as the child's body would feel. But sometimes the picture is completely different from this. Many times the tears of children have to come out not in pain but also in mischief. And every time his heart does not hurt, sometimes his eyes become the reason for laughing. One such video of a child went viral.

A very cute video of a child was shared on Neela Jamni's Instagram account official_anil_saini_0001, which you will not be able to live without laughing. The child weeps on the phone and complains to the mother about the father in such a way that he gets scolded for sure. You will laugh a lot seeing the crying baby. People liked the video so much that it went viral in no time.

The child is planning to scold the mother from the father
In the viral video, a child wearing a yellow T-shirt is carrying a mobile in his hand. Actually, he was talking to his father crying. If the other voice is not heard, then the child's tears will pierce your heart. It will look as if he has been subjected to horrific torture. But as soon as you increase the audio of the video in an attempt to hear and know his pain, you will be surprised to hear his words. In fact, the child is talking to the father on the phone to complain about his mother. And complains that their mother broke his teeth. He insists time and again that 'Mother broke her teeth, a lot of blood came out. More than the pain of bleeding and breaking of teeth, it was also the fact that now the children in school would tease him.

Weeping created an atmosphere against the mother
Those watching the video were astonished to hear the complaint against the child's mother. The child on whom pity was being felt till some time ago, whose tears were tearing, he turned out to be a big drummer. Children often do such acts when the mother stops them for any mistake and scolds them for not obeying even after refusing. Then they have only one source of tears. By shedding it in front of the father, the children plan to avenge the scolding from the mother. Overall, children are not as innocent as we and you think they are, in reality. He knows very well from a young age to make the environment on his side.

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Pooja Padiyar Journalist & Wirter