British editor praised PM Modi; Europe and Western nations created negative perceptions about India

Sam Stevenson, assistant editor of the British newspaper Daily Express, strongly advocated for the new India and said that in the future the economy of this developing country will be worth five trillion dollars. On the West's misconceptions about India, he said that Europe and Western countries spread negative and biased stories against India through their media.

May 19, 2024 - 22:35
British editor praised PM Modi; Europe and Western nations created negative perceptions about India

The British newspaper Daily Express's assistant editor, Sam Stevenson, was a strong supporter of "New India" and predicted that the developing nation's economy would be valued at $5 trillion in the future. Regarding Western misunderstandings of India, he claimed that through their media, Europe and other Western nations propagated false and biased information about India.

He said that people hear things like religious discrimination in India. But he has seen something different as a ground reality. A glimpse of communal harmony can be seen in the election rallies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We have seen unprecedented examples of pluralism (many religions) in this great and unique country.

Sam Stevenson, who is in India to cover the Lok Sabha elections, said on Sunday that there are many uplifting and inspiring stories to be told from India. The British journalist said that culture, language, heritage, and history are shared between Britain and India. The British media is trying to look at some of the complexity of things superficially. He says Modi is anti-Islam. But actually when you come down to the ground and talk to real Muslims. When you talk to Hindus and Sikhs, you will see that India accepts all cultures or religions.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's election rallies offer a glimpse of interfaith harmony. Muslim women wear burqas when they attend rallies. The most incredible thing about this location is that. This nation is being disregarded, as is its rich history and integrity.

Stevenson said efforts to degrade India with anti-India nonsense should be stopped. We need to come here and tell the world the truth. There is a need to tell positive stories by doing ground reporting on the new India. He said that unfortunately, the attitude of Europe and Western countries towards India is not good. This is because foreign media is continuously serving negative news. Public opinion is being formed through this biased news.

He said that now the time has come to tell people the positive stories of the culmination of the development path of the new India. This fast-growing great country is going to become a five trillion dollar economy in the future. We can tell many success stories from India.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer