Thinking ability can be increased with the help of brain chip, it will be a boon for paralyzed people
Brain Chip: According to neurosurgeon Jamie Henderson of Stanford University in California, these successes are surprising to some scientists. It is difficult to believe this. It remains to be seen where this technology will take us.
Now, with the help of brain chips, human behavior, thinking ability, and physical strength can be increased or decreased. This technology will greatly benefit the paralyzed people. Devices by which the paralyzed people walk and talk are being improved constantly. Scientists are seeing such a future in which we can change memories and download any new skill; however, there are still many big challenges in this.
Now such discoveries are being made in the fields of biology, physics, and technology which may make humans 'cyborgs' in the future. Cyborg is a fantasy about the human of the future. In the future, cyborgs will be those humans who will have many types of machines and brain chips installed inside their bodies.
These machines and brain chips will allow the physical and mental potential of a human being to increase many times compared to today. The help of this chip will not only bring about changes in the future by increasing human behavior, and thinking ability, but also their physical strength. It will also help the handicapped people to be cured again.
Noland Arbaugh is a paralyzed person. In 2016, he had a problem of paralysis in the part below the neck. After this, he got a brain chip made by the American company Neuralink surgically implanted in his brain. He was the first person to use this type of brain chip. Since then, Arbaugh has operated the phone and computer with his thoughts. He surfs the web and plays chess.
To understand how this brain chip can increase the ability to think and understand and physical strength, a person played the online game 'Webgrid'. He used his finger on the laptop's trackpad to click on the squares that appeared unexpectedly on the grid, which was a speed of 42 squares per minute. But when Arbaugh played the game, he used the chip in his brain to send telepathic signals to the computer, which was at a speed of 49 squares per minute.
Similarly, Noland Arbaugh also demonstrated that he can play chess using only his mind. After suffering from paralysis for eight years, he regained the ability to perform tasks that were previously difficult for him, thanks to a brain chip designed by Neuralink. Arbaugh said in a live stream - "Imagine the cursor moving. I just keep looking anywhere on the screen and it goes where I want it to."
According to the scientist, this experiment of combining human brains with machines using a brain-computer interface (BCI) has been successful. The number of people who are paralyzed due to spinal cord injuries, stroke, or any accident is increasing. In such a situation, with this technology, they are regaining their lost abilities. According to Jamie Henderson, a neurosurgeon at Stanford University in California, these successes are surprising to some scientists. It is hard to believe. It remains to be seen where this technology will take us.