Chinese singer Jane Zhang got herself corona infected

Chinese singer got herself corona infected: Said – I did this so I could enjoy the New Year party

Dec 23, 2022 - 21:49
Chinese singer Jane Zhang got herself corona infected

Such a case has come to the fore in China, listening to which you will laugh as well as get angry. Actually, a 38-year-old singer Jane Zhang from China intentionally infected herself with Corona so that she could enjoy the upcoming New Year party.
Seeing that the danger of corona is increasing again in China, Jane Zhang thought that she should get infected with corona beforehand so that by the time of New Year she can recover from it and develop antibodies in her. Jane Zhang had given this information on her social media, seeing which people started trolling her.
Jane Zhang had revealed on social media that she had intentionally infected herself with corona. Jane Zhang wrote- 'I was worried that my health might worsen during the New Year's performance, so I met people who were Kovid positive because I have time to recover from the virus now.'
It is being told that Jane was visiting the homes of people infected with Kovid. Jane wanted him to recover before the New Year. When Jane contracted the virus, she experienced a fever, headache and sore throat, although she recovered within a day.
When singer Jane Zhang narrated this entire incident on her social media, people started trolling her badly. A troller wrote- 'How can someone be so dumb.'
At the same time, one wrote- 'Singer Jane Zhang says that in order to avoid falling sick in the New Year's functions, she got herself infected with Corona and she got cured in a single day.' Seeing the trolling, Jane deleted her post.
At this time the seventh wave of Corona has arrived in China. Its BF.7 variant is proving to be quite dangerous. According to Airfinity, a London-based global health intelligence company, one million cases of corona are being received every day in China. 5 thousand deaths are happening in 24 hours. If this pace continues, the daily cases will increase to 37 lacks in January. In March this figure could be 42 lakhs.
Earlier, Airfinity had told in its estimation that there could be 21 lakh deaths after the zero covid policy is over in China. However, in the official data released by the government there, only 4 thousand new cases were reported on Thursday.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer