Sumbul Touqeer made a stylish appearance at the launch event of the much-anticipated song ‘Aakhari Hadd,’ under the banner of Kishore Films Productions. The event, held at AXO Bar and Kitchen in Andheri West, Mumbai, saw Sumbul turning heads with her minimal yet stunning look. She opted for a black shimmery bell-bottom paired with a halter neck top and silver hoops, proving once again that simplicity can be incredibly chic.
Arriving with her father, Touqeer Khan, Sumbul was all smiles as she mingled with the guests.At the event, Sumbul couldn’t stop praising the producers, Karishma Kishore and Akshat Joshi, for being such gracious hosts,”It’s always a pleasure to be part of events where the hosts make you feel so comfortable and welcomed,”she shared.
Sumbul also expressed her admiration for the song itself. “Aakhari Hadd is a beautifully crafted song. The music, the visuals—everything just falls into place perfectly. I really enjoyed it,”she added. Her presence at the event added an extra touch of glamour, making the evening even more memorable for everyone involved.