Record more than 98% children are going to school in villages
Record more than 98% of children are going to school in villages: Admission in government schools also increased, children, taking maximum private tuition in Bihar-Bengal

A new picture of education has emerged in the rural areas of the country. Now 98.4% of children in villages are going to school. For the first time this figure is above 98%, in 2018 this figure was 97.2%. On the other hand, in 2022, only 42.8% of Class 5 students in government and private schools were able to read Class II books, compared to 50.5% in 2018. Not only this, in the year 2012 such children were 46.9%.
It has been found in the report that the number of students taking admission to private schools has decreased. At the same time, enrollment of children in government schools has increased. 4 years ago i.e. in the year 2018, 30.9% of children were in private schools, but in 2022 it was reduced to 25%. Children aged 6-14 years enrolled in government schools increased to 72.9% from 66% in 2018.
The attendance of teachers in the country's schools has also improved. In 2022, the attendance of teachers was recorded at 87%. In the year 2018, this figure was 85.4%. At the same time, the attendance of students remains at 72%. A maximum of 99% of children in the age group of 7 to 10 years took admitted to schools. At the same time, 98% of children in the age group of 11 to 14 years remained second after enrolling in schools.
By 2022, 69% of the schools have become playgrounds. While in 2018 only 66.5% of schools had a playground. It has been found in the survey that 50% of children's mothers and 80% of children's fathers have studied more than the 5th standard.
Girls are more capable than boys in the country. 71.3% of girls in class 8 can read class 2 books, and only 67.6% of boys. In 2018, 50.5% of children studying in the 5th standard government-private schools could read class-2 books, which reduced to 42.8% in 2022. This figure is also much lower than 46.9% in 2012.
Only 23% of children in the 8th standard know how to subtract. Only 26% of children could recognize numbers between 11 and 99. Only 9.8% of children in third grade can recognize numbers from 1 to 9. There are only 36.8% can recognize numbers from 11 to 99.
In Punjab, 44.5% of 8th-class children can divide. Haryana has 49.5% of such children, whereas in Kerala only 39.9% of children can divide. In Rajasthan, only 6.3% of Class 5 students can divide and only 4.9% can subtract, which is the worst in the country. Manipur has the highest pass percentage of 45.2% of children, which is the best in the country.
Only 9.5% of Class 3 children in Madhya Pradesh, 16% in Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh, 23% in Gujarat, 21% in Bihar and 31% in Punjab know how to subtract. Children from Manipur topped here too with 56%.
30.5% of children in classes 1 to 8 in the country take private tuition, up from 26.4% in 2018. Children taking private tuition has increased by 8% in 2022 as compared to 2018 in UP, Bihar and Jharkhand. There is also a reason that after Corona, the youth who spend their money teaching tuition in the villages has increased rapidly. Private tuition in Gujarat has decreased by around 5% since 2018.
Due to the Corona epidemic here, the quality of education has been badly affected. This is the reason that about 31% of the children of private and government schools are dependent on private tuition. Such children are 71.5% in Bihar and 74% in West Bengal, which is the highest in the country. At the same time, Rajasthan has the lowest number of 4.6% of children dependent on tuition. These figures have been revealed in the Annual Status of Education Report 2022. These results have come out from the survey conducted on 7 lakh children in 19,060 villages of 616 districts.