Chinese balloon seen in Latin America after US

Chinese balloon seen in Latin America after US: Pentagon claims - it was also sent for espionage, China said - do not spoil our image

Feb 4, 2023 - 17:22
Chinese balloon seen in Latin America after US

After America, a balloon was also seen flying in the sky of Latin America on Friday. Pentagon Brigadier General Pat Ryder said - We are getting reports that another balloon is coming from Latin America. Our guess is that this is another spy balloon, also from China.
At the same time, China has retaliated on the allegations of America in the case of spy balloons. The Ministry of External Affairs has issued a statement saying that China has never violated any country's border or airspace. Some US leaders and media are trying to tarnish the image of China under the guise of this incident. This matter should be resolved peacefully.
The US has not officially told how big China's balloon is. However, to find out, the military sent its 2 F-22 fighter jets to him. After which an official told ABC News that this balloon is as big as three buses. At the same time, Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said - The balloon is above civilian air traffic, so at the moment we have not decided to destroy the balloon or bring it down.
This balloon will remain in the air space of America for a few days. According to the New York Times report, General Ryder has said that its location information will not be shared with the general public. However, he also told that this balloon is currently in the center of America and is moving towards the east.
Due to the arrival of China's spy balloon in the sky of America, a diplomatic crisis has arisen between the two countries. According to media reports- US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken has cancelled his visit to China. He was about to go on a two-day visit to China on Sunday.
On the other hand, China said in its statement on Friday that what America is calling a spy balloon for intelligence gathering is only a civilian airship, which deviated from its fixed route. It is used only for weather information.
In retaliation, the American officer said – If it is a civilian balloon, then how and why did it reach Montana, 6 thousand kilometres away. The Pentagon said – it was sent to the US for monitoring.
Former CIA officer Michael P. Mulrow says that the balloon is not capable of doing anything that no other means, such as a satellite, is already providing. Both have many satellites which are already getting complete information.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, since 2000, there have been 160 incidents of espionage by China in the US. China had conspired to install Huawei's spying devices on mobile towers. Targeting the rural areas, they installed their devices there. Intelligence agencies took action when they moved toward military bases.
The US Defense Department on Thursday decided to increase military bases in the Philippines. Defence experts say that this is necessary for encircling the Chinese army and for action in the event of an attack on Taiwan. Earlier, in the world including America, China has set up such police stations which are spying on its citizens.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer