India will destroy satellite MT1 in the sky itself: Only 4 countries in the world can do this

India will destroy satellite MT1 in the sky itself: Only 4 countries in the world can do this, launched it for Weather Study

Mar 7, 2023 - 16:48
India will destroy satellite MT1 in the sky itself: Only 4 countries in the world can do this

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is going to kill the satellite cloud-tropics-1 (MT1) on Tuesday between 4: 30-7:30 pm. After staying in space for 10 years, the satellite will destroy it in the sky as soon as it comes into orbit with the earth.
Let us know that this satellite was launched by ISRO on 12 October 2011 with the French Space Agency CNES to study tropical weather and climate. Although it was planned to be sent to space for 3 years, by 2021, it was giving important data about Jalviu, so its time limit was bigger.
India has the strength to destroy a satellite in space. Apart from India, only America, Russia and China can do this. Let us know that India started working on it in the year 2012.

Muskan Kumawat Journalist & Writer