Rogers Sports & Media Announces 8 Partnerships with Diverse Charities and Small Businesses as Part of its All IN Initiative

– All IN initiative to provide advertising and creative services to Breakfast Club of Canada, Dollar a Day Foundation, Egale Canada, POV, Raven Reads, Révolutionnaire, UnitedWeCurl, and Women’s Para Hockey of Canada –

Fri, 03 Jun 2022 12:48 AM (IST)
Rogers Sports & Media Announces 8 Partnerships with Diverse Charities and Small Businesses as Part of its All IN Initiative

– All IN initiative to provide advertising and creative services to Breakfast Club of Canada, Dollar a Day Foundation, Egale Canada, POV, Raven Reads, Révolutionnaire, UnitedWeCurl, and Women’s Para Hockey of Canada –

Sangri Today Sangri Today is a Weekly Bilingual Newspaper and website of news and current affairs that publishes news reports from various places, from general reports.