SHADRACH is a one-hour drama created by Holly Goldberg Sloan (“Angels in the Outfield” and author of the novel “Counting By 7’s) about the Wilson family who suffers a financial setback and must leave the city to start over in a small town. When a majestic horse unexpectedly comes into their lives, a bond is created allowing the Wilsons to discover the true meaning of hope, faith and family.
SHADRACH is a one-hour drama created by Holly Goldberg Sloan (“Angels in the Outfield” and author of the novel “Counting By 7’s) about the Wilson family who suffers a financial setback and must leave the city to start over in a small town. When a majestic horse unexpectedly comes into their lives, a bond is created allowing the Wilsons to discover the true meaning of hope, faith and family.