Long-Term Climate Change: Causes, Impacts, and Global Warming Effects

Global warming describes a noticeable Climate change in certainographical areas of Earth over a long period, such as a few centuries or longer

Wed, 25 Dec 2024 12:53 PM (IST)
Long-Term Climate Change: Causes, Impacts, and Global Warming Effects
Long-Term Climate Change: Causes, Impacts, and Global Warming Effects

Such changes have wide-reaching consequences supported in the literature.

Starting from the mid-20th century, anthropogenic factors, especially fossil fuel combustion that subsequently releases heat-trapping greenshouse gases into the atmosphere and results in global warming, has laregely influenced the Earth’s climate. Climate change factors also include internesal variability and external forcings albeit those have been overshadowed by anthropogenic activities. 

Global warming updates | Climate Change | Green House Gases

Ground, air, and space observations, together with modelling are used by scientists to investigate and better understand climate variability. Climate data records serve as a good proxy for mortal records proving beyond reasonable doubt the occurrence of climate change; Examples include global land and ocean increases in temperature; MSLR; polar and mountain glaciers ice retreat; Alterations in amount and intensity of extreme weather events like hurrihanes, heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, floods and changes in precipitation and cloud cover and vegetation space.

Many people incorrectly equate the terms “climate change” with global warming despite the obvious differences. In particular weather and climate are, at times, used synonymously not knowing that they encompass different times and space scales. 

What Is Global Warming Updates?

The term global warming updates covers the period of significant heating of the surface of earth after the pre industrial era (between 1850 and 1900) because of anthropogenic reasons mainly the burning of fossil fuels which leads to increased concentration of greenhouse gases within the atmosphere of the planet. It can be said that this term differs from the term ‘climate change’ in that it focuses on a different aspect. 

People have a sense that the average temperature of the Earth has increased during the period after the emergence of mankind by roughly one degree Celsius but this number is rising by more and more than two tenths of a degree per decade. Indeed, the warming trend exists because of mankind since the 1950’s and has progressed at a more alarming rate than it has in the last few million years.

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